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If you are playing in an area with a lot of colorful objects, try Speed Slooooks! See if you can find more than one object on each turn. For example, if you spin “RED” and “L” and you can find three red objects that start with “L” before the timer runs out, open three eyes and score three points.

First, decide where to play - a room, the whole house, the backyard, the car, a restaurant, the grocery store or anywhere you’d like. Start with all the eyes on the board closed. Each player chooses an eye color to keep score. If there are more than four people make teams. The youngest player goes first.


Spin each spinner to find the color and first letter of the item you will hunt for, then flip the timer and start looking. For example, if you spin “yellow” and “B”, find something within the game area that is yellow and starts with the letter “B”. If you can find something before the timer runs out, slide one of your eyes open to score one point. If the timer runs out before you have found something move on to the next player. The first player to open all the eyes of their chosen color wins!


In this version everyone plays at the same time. Spin both spinners, flip the timer and start looking. The first person to find the correct item scores one point.



If you have a group that is just learning their colors or letters, simply use one of the spinners and proceed according to the Classic Slooooks! directions.


Nothing to look at? Learning foreign language vocabulary? No problem. Instead of using your eyes, use your brain. Spin the spinners, flip the timer and think of as many correct items as you can before the timer runs out. 

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us here:

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