Slooooks! is the ultimate scavenger hunt game that kids can play anywhere. It’s educational, portable and fun!
The game consists of a playing board that folds compactly with a timer secured in a holster. A spinner sits on each side of the board: one selecting a letter and the other selecting a color... Read More

Today Celebrity Baby Trends is here to tell you about a game your kids are going to love. Introducing: Slooooks! This is the ultimate scavenger hunt game that kids can play anywhere. And today, we are giving THREE lucky readers the chance to win it... Read More

Slooooks is a game made for travel. As in "I Spy," players search for items in their surroundings to win. One spinner determines the color of the item sought the other the first letter of it. The board is cute and fun, with colored sunglasses shaped tabs used to keep score. There's a timer to make sure turns don't last too long, and the board has a holder for that too. The first player to pull out all of the sunglasses tabs in their chosen color wins the game... Read More

No matter how magnetized, pint-sized or digitized, travel games for kids run two big risks: lost pieces and short "shelf life." But one savvy southeast Michigan mom has swooped in and conquered both – with Slooooks!
Necessity was the mother of this invention, by Kate Patterson of Grosse Pointe Park. She'd whipped up a scavenger hunt for her daughter's birthday party. It was such a hit... Read More

Slooooks is an award-winning portable game created by Kate Patterson, a Grosse Pointe, Michigan Mom of 2. The game is based on a combination of I Spy and a scavenger hunt. (Find out more on the game from their information sheet). Slooooks has been named a Dr Toy winner for best Vacation Products and won the Creative Toy Awards 2011 Game of the Year Award from Creative Child Magazine.... Read More

GROSSE POINTE PARK — A local mother wanted to create a game that children of all ages could enjoy with little fuss for parents and a whole lot of fun for anyone who wants to play... Read More

Most of you probably remember playing I Spy when you were a kid, or maybe your kids like to play it. It’s a simple game that you can play pretty much anywhere making it a great way to pass the time. This cool new game takes it a step further... Read More
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